Thursday, April 14, 2011

House MD

This TV show is about a self centred, narcissistic, crippled doctor who has only one friend but has to work with a team to diagnose patients. He works with a team but he is the employer so he takes it upon himself to make everyone Else's life miserable because he cannot be happy. Dr. Greg House is the best though, he is irreplaceable so he can basically do whatever he wants. He manages to figure out what is wrong and only actually meets the patient if it is completely necessary otherwise he will not even go near them. When a patient is sick and no one else can figure out the problem they come to him and his team of 4. The show consist of mysteries but there is comedy tied in to keep you interested. Along with the comedy though there is definitely some drama in the show as well, whether it is between the different doctors fighting with each other or just because of a suffering patient. All in all the show is great for people interested in all genres because there is a little bit of everything in House.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Perception is everything

The theme of this presentation is to show how the way people see every single thing in the world has been influenced in some way. for example media has influenced the minds of millions so when they see certain things they will link it to others. depending on how an image is shown it can be interpreted in many different ways. this is shown when the exact same image is shown just reversed but the colours above them are the only things different but it changes how the picture looks completely. People of media know exactly how the brain works and they take advantage of this. in the end of the video when the colour filter is put in front of the yellow and purple light while in a controlled black background the filter changes the colour of the light so that it looks the exact same. but when the black is taken away and you see the big picture the two shades of yellow look slightly different even though we know they are the exact same, the mind still interprets them as different. there are people who know these secrets and they will take advantage of it in order to sell their product or just catch your attention. Even though this seems like a minor thing there is much more to it then just seeing the exact same colour differently!

“If you don’t risk anything, you risk more”

what the above quote means to me is that by not risking something in order to achieve a goal you risk a lot more because you didn't try. If you try something and fail it is ok because atleast you tried. people who do not try, fail 100% of the time because they didnt even go for what they wanted. As long as you try there is a possibility of achieving your goals so you take a risk and go for it. If you have a goal and do not risk anything, risk the time or put in effort, then you are going to fail for sure and no achieve your goal. In doing this you risk more because if you goal were to take you to a new level of success then by not trying you are throwing it all away. If you had tried and succeeded then you would gain much more and you would have risked little to gain a lot. if you fear risking little to gain a lot then you will go nowhere in life. the majority of people if they knew that they could get something they wanted guaranteed, they would go for it. If they were only given a 10% chance of getting it then most people would now think oh its only 10% there is no point in trying. By not trying they have forfeited their reward therefore they have risked more by no trying then they would have by giving it a go. Those few poeple who did take the risk and try it out even though there was only a 10% chance of getting it, these are the kind of people in our world today who are the most successful. event hough there was a small chance of success they gave it a shot anyway and took a risk but most likely gained much more by taking this risk then they would have lost by not taking the risk!