Monday, June 13, 2011


In my opinion... the only reason people blog is because they are over opinionated d**chebags that no one wants to listen to in person so they come and write it online as a public journal. but the thing is no one cares. they write online thinking people are reading but thats the great thing about blogging. you don't know if people are "listening" or not. The truth of the matter is if people don't want to listen to you in person then they dont want to read your opinion online. if you have something important to say then get out there and mae yourself heard IN person by saying something interseting. Don't hide behind a keyboard and try and tell people what you think because sometimes people just blog to rant and get what they are thinking down and written somewhere but they are usually just venting about what pisses them off. well we do not need that negative stuff out there for everyone to see. So if you really want to say something either go say it to people in person or write it down in a journal the old fashioned way. Put your pen to paper and then tuck it in a drawer when you are done. Lets be serious, these blogs have become so popular because they make peoploe think they are important because someone is listening to them but really, no ones listening. especially the ones that become really popular and get a lot of views, most of the time the only reason they become extremely popular is because it is genuinely good and makes a great point but the majority of the time its just because they are making a fool of themselves and people send it around to all of their friends so they can make fun of it. To make a great point instead of sitting there and writing all day on something that probably wont even be looked at by another human being go interact with people. Make some friends and get out of your parents basement. if you feel you have a point to make and that it is going to make a difference try going online and searching it up first. I promise someone else has written about it before you. Hell, your going to find thousands if not millions of the same blogs over and over written by different people in different words and moods to the writing but they all come to make the same point. So what makes yours so special? What is going to make yours so significant that people are going to want to read it over someone elses? Nothing. The person to write it is going to think it is special because they are the one that wrote it. but like i said there are thousands of the exact same thing already out there. If your point is so great and important then get the address for the local newspaper editor and send your article in. or write a script and send it to a director. But if you do not think that your point is that great then do what i mentioned earlier and write it in your own personal journal and tuck it away after.