Tuesday, February 15, 2011

21st century education

In my personal opinion the most important skills you are going to need after high school are social skills. If you can talk to people for more then 20  minutes without there being long awkward pauses and without getting bored talking to different kinds of people then you can work in almost any profession. Any feild of work you can think of requires communication. whether you are talking to an employer, employee or a client in any feild of work you have to be able to make conversation flow or an employer isnt going to like you. as long as the position pays good if you are the boss the employee might not mind to much but if you were runnning your own business would you want to pay more to get people to work for you? Probably not, when you could most likely have better people working for you at the same pay or less if you had proper communication skills. And if you are trying to get an important client to buy something from you or pay you for your services if you cannot persuade them that you are the best out there or if you cannot hold up a smoothly flowing conversation with them they are not going to pay for anything. I believe that the majority of people do improve these skills during high school. If you do not have people to talk to and sit alone in class and during lunch hours then the chances of you making it through high school with no regrets are slim to none. the majrity of students although they operate in their little cliques do manage to develop great social and communication skills. The students who are best at these tend to be the kids who do party even though these students are usually stereo typed as the slackers even the majority of the people going out and partying are not. Most of them are actually good students who just like to see friends in a calm atmosphere and have a good time and they do it to blow off steam which is better then bottling it all up and possibly causing harm to someone else or yourself.
The perfect english class would be one where you have the choice to work on every assignment either on your own or as a gorup effort. everyone is different and some people work great by themselves but others excel when they are placed in groups especially if they have the choice of who is in their group this way they can pick the people they know they get along with and can work with them. This would increase productivity and students and teachers would probably appreciate this because they can cover more in the little time they have. for the kids that like to work by themselves great they have the choice to do that and they will not be forced to do assignments with people they do not know. and for those who struggle sometimes they might want to work ina group and get other peoples input on what they are doing which most of the time i better. Personally i find it easier to learn from my peers then the teachers. students kind of speak their own language and they understand eachother where as a lot of teachers are very text book and explain things in a one solution type of way. working with students together though you can come up with several different "right" ways to do something. Since there are different ways of doing it too then each person in the group can pick the way they are most comfortable with and use that method for other problems yet to come.
For next years my plans are to travel across europe take a break and meet new people have some great experiences hopefully then i will come back, most likey going to victoria and working there to save up for the year following then going to school. I still havent decided but my plans are either going into medicine or law. Both of which are feild of work which require Great communication skills

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